In an era of increasing stress and anxiety, what is the role of religion and spirituality in fostering healthy minds? Prof. Leon Pettiway is Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice at Indiana University as well as the Venerable Lobzang Dorje, a fully ordained monk in the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. His academic and personal life have explored the intersection of urban geography, incarceration, spirituality, and wellbeing. These are also major themes in his most recent book Only For the Brave At Heart: Essays Rethinking Race, Crime, and Justice.
Serving as respondents at this event will be Dr. David Gotthelf, a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience working in the context of public schools; and Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund, the senior pastor of First Congregational UCC in Indianapolis and the Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice on the national staff of the United Church of Christ. Lund is the author of multiple books on topics related to mental health.